The Duck

The Duck: How to Make Them Pay - A guide to the coming Duckpocalypse

So this is only peripherally yoyo related, except in that it's part of the saga of me learning how to publish for my upcoming yoyo book. so if it needs to be deleted let me know.

TL;DR I engaged in amazon book publishing trollery. Buy it if you want, or not. It's mostly there to amuse me.

So it started with this book ( that appears to be a 100+ year old book on how to raise and sell ducks. The review on this was what made it for me.

"Not the Duck Specific revenge manual I was hoping for"

I get a lot of Duck related funny things sent to me (thank you all for the laughs) and this has turned out to be one of the best.

This would not do. I hated the idea of someone so disappointed by a book! So on a whim I started writing the Duck specific revenge manual my new friend (Amazon user eoin) clearly needed.

I got sucked in. It ended up being really over the top. I did a fair bit of reading things on the internet so I could pay lip service to reality. I ended up writing a farcical guidebook/manifesto/conspiracy theory about 20 pages long. It took me far longer than I’ll admit, but it was a hilarious romp to write.

Then it occured to me. I needed to learn how to publish a book independently, so why not do a practice run while waiting for the yoyo book back from my editor (which I received today!)

In any event. If you are interested in reading my little adventure in creative writing and publishing it's now available in print and kindle format. I think I get 30 cents per kindle purchase and about $1.50 per book, so this 100% isn't a push to buy it. It's me sharing a laugh.

Print Edition

Kindle Edition