12 Days of Easter - Giveaway!

Congrats to Day 11 winner Blake Walker! The number was 99, he was the closest with 88.

Day 12, your last chance to enter for a chance to win a mystery egg, and an additional entry in the grand prize treasure chest.

Give me a suggestion for Rain City Skills

-Yoyos to make

-Advertising strategy to reach more yoyoers

-Player to sponsor



Don’t forget to include a method of contact. I’ll draw the winner in the morning and give them 6 hours to respond. So if you give me your email address, please make sure to add Raincityskills@gmail.com to your contacts. Don't forget to follow Rain City Skills on Facebook and Instagram, as well as Mryoyothrower on YouTube and sign up for my our mailing list at raincityskills@gmail.com for discounts and news!


Click Here to Enter the Contest



I was originally going to make this a bonus with orders, but I figured with the whole Apocalypse it’d be more fun to do a series of giveaways.

12 Days
12 Easy contests
13 Prizes

Each day I’ll run a mini contest and draw a winner. Everyone who enters is also entered in the grand prize draw for the treasure chest full of goodies with a Rain City Skills “$”

Each of the smaller prize eggs contain a collection of goodies. lego figures, string, pads, conterweights, etc.

Each one also has a few bearings. These are from my big jar of “dud, clean and test” bearings. When you order bearings by the 100’s there are always a few that don’t play right. I cleaned and tested them all, and i”m giving away the good ones!

Finally, two of the eggs have a Rain City Skills “Loonie” in them!

Day 1 - Post a picture of either
- A rain City Skills yoyo in your hand
- Your empty hand holding a piece of paper naming the RCS throw you wish you had.

Post the picture to any social media with #raincity12daysofeaster. Then use the form below to submit a link to your picture. Don’t forget to include a method of contact. I’ll draw the winner in the morning and give them 6 hours to respond. So if you give me your email address, please make sure to add Raincityskills@gmail.com to your contacts.

Click Here to Submit your picture